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Unown Texter

    The first day I got home I got this text from someone I don't know. I texted back and I asked who this was. They responded with, " hello i'm staying anonymous, I go to your school and I know exactly who you are. I am just here to help you find your way this year." That shook me. All these questions started to bubble up in my head. How does he/she now me?, how much does he/she now about me? By now I now a couple different people. I work at a library and this guy named Liam also works there. We have became friends, he is also friends with my step brother(Theo). There is one boy who I also now very vividly named Caleb. Now back to this story, I was thinking who could this be. Maybe it could be one of those. I ended giving up and just went to bed. The rest of the month he/she would just keep giving me advice. Surprisingly he got me my first friends . We had this thing were I would tell him/her three thing about myself and he/she would tell me three things about them. We would do this everyday, one day he said this, 1....2.....3. I like you. I responded with 1. I like you too. That was weird it just came out of my mouth. I like bat Ethan not him. What if that was Ethan. What if it wasn't.  That was it I texted him we have to meet up. He was a bit upset he did not want to meet up. He thought it would ruin our relationship. We decided that we would meet up at Dennys because waffles was his favourite word. When we met up I saw Liam and I was so confused I was convinced it was Ethan. But then all three of them were there. (Ethan,Liam,Caleb) aaaahhhhh!!!! I didn't know what to do, who was the unown/sn(as I say) texter. Then I got a text from him. He said I'm the person. YESSS!! It was who I wanted to be....Ethan. From there moving forward my life was amazing.I had friends, a boyfriend, and I could be who I wanted to be. I knew this was my new life.(BTW) My best friend in California also has a boyfriend and they have started getting serious about it. 

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